The 21 February 2009

1) The battle for the unlucky world championship To contrast the 10th of January with another day, I will describe another, completely normal, day from my life. The perspective: The gambling. The betting. Gambling. Freaking out. Screaming. Whining. High-fiving. Cheering. Despair. We had come up with a new strategy a week ago. We. That’s Christian,…

Wanja about time play

Wanja talks to his children, today about… Play time Now we have known Vanya for quite a while and quite well. His children continued to grow up and they asked questions. But even without them doing so, he would have liked to tell – and did. He usually started with Adam and Eve, something like…


Wanja talks to his children, today about… Advantage Football was always a topic in Putoia. It was a fixed subject at school, for boys and girls. So there was always something to talk about. One fine day – there was also day and night in Putoia, because without its own sun there was no life…


Wanja talks to his children, today about… Swallows So the family often sat together in smaller or larger groups. Of course, they could still watch football matches at home. There were almost always broadcasts, of smaller, medium, larger games, not only because one was on the planet where football was played and there would have…

Judging By Results

Vanya talks to his children, today about… Judging by results The family sat together again in familiar company. The children had long since grown fond of this part of the school supplement. Even if there were so many partly shocking reports about the conditions on earth and especially about football there: it exerted a certain…

Judging By Results 2

Vanya talks to his children, today about… Judging by results The family sat together again in familiar company. The children had long since grown fond of this part of the school supplement. Even if there were so many partly shocking reports about the conditions on earth and especially about football there: it exerted a certain…

Handball penalty

Wanja talks to his children, today about… Handball penalty “So,” Wanja began today’s round of talks, “we were talking about the penalty kick the other day. Let’s summarise again what the main problem was with earthly football?”The children answer, taking turns to complement each other : “The problem was that the penalty for most foul…

Football in Putoia 3

Putoia – football is played here This simple-sounding line of text has a rather exciting and funny little prequel, which has to be said first. However, it is only gradually that one will be able to understand the connections properly. You have to go a little further. So be patient! First of all, someone had…

Foul penalty

Wanja talks to his children, today about… Foul penalty Often enough it happened that Wanja held a kind of question and answer session with his children. He had already explained and told them a lot, and they were docile and inquisitive pupils. And he certainly didn’t know what topic he had already discussed and to…


Wanja talks to his children, today about… Fairplay The perfect world in Putoia reminds me a little of “Pleasantville” or “The Truman Story” and somehow, as a reader or viewer, you have to wait for the “twist in the tale”? When does Truman notice something, when does he want to explore the world, when does…